Riga, Lativia – 22.11.2013, Radisson Blu Latvia Congress Centre, Latvia

ACCDer WCR e.V. möchte Sie ganz herzlich einladen an dieser grossartigen Konferenz in Riga teilzunehmen

am 22.11. im Radisson Blu Latvia Congress Centre, Latvia

Programme Eng 08.10

AccEssMeeting EU-Russia 2013*: is an annual international economic forum which aims to facilitate active dialogue between SME business representatives from Russia and the EU.

Do not miss the unique opportunity to be  an active part of  AccEssMeeting EU-Russia: “SME Annual Economic Meeting 2013” .This year it will be the largest bilateral EU-Russia B2G & B2B meeting.

60% – Executives of Russian and European companies
10% – Representatives of governmental bodies, regional administrations and cities from EU and Russia
25% – Executives of major investment companies and funds
5% – representatives of mass media

Details und Anmeldung direkt über diesen Link:



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