WCR in Muenchen im Bayerischen Hof mit Konzert von Jethro Tull und special friends am 30.10

ab 18.30 Sektempfang im Bayerischen Hof – Promenadeplatz 2-6  – 80333 München

Konzertbeginn um 20.30

We are delighted to share the news that Martin Barre and his musician friends have offered to do one
exclusive Private Show for us at the Night Club Bayerischer Hof Hotel in Munich on October

Tickets are strictly limited
Die Plätze sind limitiert, Einlass nur mit bestätigter Einladung.  Wir haben noch 3 Karten ! 

Martin Barre has been the guitarist of Jethro
Tull for 43 years.Album sales have exceeded 60
million units, representing an important part of
classic rock history.He was voted 25th best solo
ever in the USA and 20th best solo ever in the
UK for his playing on ‘Aqualung’ . His
playing on the album ‘Crest of a Knave’ earned
him a Grammy award in 1988. He is included in
the “100 best guitarists” book, issued by
Guitarist magazine. Martin has also worked with
many other artists including Paul McCartney,
Phil Collins, Gary Moore, Jo Bonamassa and
Chris Thompson and has shared a stage with
such legends as JimmyHendrix, FleetwoodMac,
Pink Floyd and LedZeppelin.

Anmeldung bitte  wie immer an Svetlana Rudakova, PR Managerin Wirtschaftsclub Russland e.V, Phone: + 7 916 0022503. svetlana.rudakova@wirtschaftsclubrussland.org


Kosten: 45 EUR pro Person,  bei bestätigter Anmeldung zu überweisen an:

WCR e.V. KONTO-NR. 605455500 DEUTSCHE BANK AG BLZ 10070024 –

IBAN: DE98 1007 0000 0605 4555 00 – BIC: DEUTDEBBXXX –



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