Rotary Charity Event in Moscow am 16.5.
Wir als WCR e.V. haben das Jahr 2013 unter den Charity Aspekt gestellt und möchten damit insbesondere auch auf das Fund Raising Event von Rotary Moscow aufmerksam machen.
The Home for Deafblind Children in Sergiev Posad
Rotary Club Moscow International together with Rotary Club Moskau Humboldt are
pleased to invite you to the charity Evening organized
to the benefit of the deaf children at The Home for Deafblind Children in Sergiev Posad.
The charity evening will be held
on Thursday 16 May 2013 at 18.30 at Jar Restaurant
located in Leningradskiy Prospekt 32/2.
We would be grateful for your contribution of 2000 rubles per person.
To order the tickets you can contact Erik Stenfeldt
Such an event is held every year. Last year thanks to our guests and sponsors we
managed to raise enough money to buy 14 sets of high quality hearing aids for
the deaf children at The Home for Deafblind Children in Sergiev Posad
“Detski Dom”
in Sergiev Posad, 60 KM north of Moscow, is one of the few places in Russia that is dedicated to taking care of deaf and blind children. Detski Dom has about 250 children in age from 3-4 to normally 16-18 year. The children are either blind, deaf or both blind and deaf. Approx. 150 of the children are deaf.
Detski Dom is a modern, well run orphanage supported by the Russian Federation, and the apart from food and lodging, the children are being educated as far as can be done considering their handicap. The deaf children are learning sign language, and the blind children are learning how to read blind text. The orphanage also has activities as painting, ceramics, sewing, and even an “apartment” where children can learn how “to live on their own”, and a “shop” run by the children, where they can learn both to be “customer” and “employee”. The children who are lucky to get to this orphanage has a good chance to grow up and live a almost normal life.
Then, why do they need help , you could ask.
Children who come to Detski Dom are usually from poor parents, or without parents, and even if the orphanage is giving food, lodging and education. Help to the individual child, if it cost money, is not given by the state.
Deafness can in many cases “be cured” with hearing aids ,but they are expensive and the orphanage do not have funds to buy hearing aids. A good set of hearing aids cost about 1.000 Euro.
RC-MI (Rotary Club Moscow International) has , supported by Italian Rotary Clubs, coordinated by Rotary Club of Bari, for the last 5 years been able to collect more than 130.000 $ and for the money supplied 125 sets of hearing aids, and 4 pieces of lab equipment helping the orphanage to determine the degree of deafness in a child.
As new deaf children are coming to the orphanage every year, and hearing aids are wearing out after 5-6 years, our task is ongoing. With the last donation of 24.000 $ we gave 14 sets of high quality hearing aids for the most talented children.
I hope that for the years to come, RC-MI will be able to continue in helping the deaf children at Detski Dom in Sergiev Posad.
Erik Stenfeldt
Project coordinator
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